....It's time for Instant Zen!!
.........In this short online course-you will learn a 5 minute technique to quickly shift your energy, thoughts and emotions and feel lighter, happier, and more hopeful than you have in YEARS!
WITHOUT.....wasting time and energy on thoughts and feelings of doubt, indecision and overwhelm.
No long meditation sessions while sitting in full lotus position required🧘🏽♀️😉.....
you heal-Body, mind and spirit!
“For a Massage Therapist, having a simple technique that helps put the body in alignment quickly, and with very little effort is a game changer!” - Denise Willinger
For Bodyworkers and practitioners using Energy Healing techniques such as Reiki, EFT, Emotion Code or Body Code, learning Quantum Touch can help connect the dots on the how and why Energy Healing works. Many of us learn these techniques to enhance a Massage, Hypnosis or Therapy practice. We are excited to get CEU credit and add a modality that can help us get better results for our clients with less physical effort. In this blog, I will share answers to some of the Frequently asked questions I get about Quantum Touch!
Quantum Touch is an Energy Healing modality that helps you learn to use healing life force energy to raise your vibration and heal yourself and others!
What is Life Force energy?
Life Force Energy is the stuff we are all made of. Humans, animals, plants, the entire universe itself are all made of Life Force Energy. It’s the intangible somethin’ somethin’ that is there when you're alive, but leaves your body when you die.
What can I learn in a Quantum Touch workshop?
In Quantum Touch Level 1, you will learn specific techniques to raise your vibration-
Breathing Techniques
Visualization Techniques
Hands on Techniques
Where and how to use the Healing Energy for the best results
How to increase your energy and use it to help yourself and others heal
How Chakras fit in to the Energetic system
Is the workshop in person or online?
We offer both In Person and Online Workshops
How can Quantum Touch help my Massage/Reiki/EFT/Energy Healing Practice?
All Energy just is! The things we teach in Quantum Touch can help you be more effective with any or all body work or energy healing modalities. The techniques you learn will help you understand the science behind all energy healing modalities-resonance and entrainment. When you begin to understand frequencies and the physics of how energetic Frequencies work, you can begin to experiment with the frequencies and techniques that work best for you and your clients.
>>For a Massage Therapist, having a simple technique that helps put the body in alignment quickly, and with very little effort is a game changer! Being able to soften tissue that is difficult to palpate (hello psoas and piriformis!!) WITHOUT FORCE makes bodywork more comfortable for the client. Getting great results without having to use as much force helps you have more energy at the end of your workday. Imagine being able to make change in the tissue without using deep tissue techniques. How would your practice change if you got great results more quickly and with less force?
>>For Reiki Practitioners Learning Quantum Touch helps you become more active in your energy healing practice. You can add different techniques to the reiki energy that can increase it’s power. You also learn new and different ways to “run energy”making you a more active participant in using the energy. You learn to move the healing energy through your own body first, which can increase the healing benefits for you as well as the client.
>>For EFT, Emotion Code or Body Code practitioners You can use the muscle testing to determine the underlying emotion, then add in Quantum Touch to the specific body parts affected or to the emotional event that triggered the issue. It can help you not only establish the root cause, but you can “send energy” to the event itself to help speed up healing for all involved-body, mind and spirit!
YES!! "Quantum-Touch" is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Massage Therapists earn 14 CEU's for an in person Quantum Touch Workshop, 13 for Virtual Workshops. Hypnotherapists earn 14 CEU"s
Richard Gordon, the founder of Quantum Touch says, "the greatest benefit of being a Quantum-Touch Practitioner is the joy you will feel bringing the power of energy healing to others". Being a Quantum Touch practitioner can also offer additional opportunities for income.
Certified Quantum Touch Practitioners are listed on the Quantum Touch website. They have exclusive rights to advertise and use the Quantum Touch trade name, lending credibility to the title.
How do I become a Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner?
There are 12 steps to Certification as a Quantum Touch practitioner including taking three Quantum Touch Workshops from Certified Quantum Touch Instructors and documenting a whopping 90 hours of practice using the techniques! In my journey to becoming a Certified Level 1 Quantum Touch Instructor, I took Level 1 at least five times!
I learned something new and different to add to my practice in each and every class. If you would like to become a Certified Practitioner, or even a Quantum Touch Instructor, the first step is taking a Quantum Touch Level 1 Workshop.
As you can see, there are unlimited possibilities to adding Quantum Touch to your Massage, Hypnosis or Energy Healing practice.
When you merge several techniques, you create your own brand of healing, specific to your energy and style of work. As a Massage Therapist, I am always adding new “tools” to my toolbox. Energy Healing is no different. Having many ways to access, change, manipulate and direct healing energy will make you a more effective and more powerful Body worker or Healer.
Then you can use the resonance and entrainment techniques you learned to attract your ideal clients.
Who wouldn't want that?!
Have questions? Send me a message or give me a call. I would love for you to join my next Quantum Touch Workshop!
Quantum Touch Level 1 Workshop with Denise Willinger
Taught via Zoom with Denise Willinger, Quantum Touch Energy Healing Instructor, Meet Quantum-Touch enthusiastic new students and share Your Love
Quantum-Touch provides simple, profound tools for self-healing and personal transformation as well as remarkable healing benefits for people, animals, and plants. Beginners, as well as professionals, can perceive the energy quickly and powerfully, usually before lunch on the first day.
CE Hours Available for Massage Therapists
The National Certification Board approves “Quantum-Touch” for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Approved for 14 CE hours.
CE Hours Available for Hypnotherapists
The Live Level 1 Quantum-Touch® Workshop is valued at 13 CE Units by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA).
books, classes and more!
In my sessions, I like to treat the whole person-body, mind and spirit. Your body (your car) has many complicated systems and your current symptoms are the best place to start helping you determine how to heal. Here's how to work with me-
book a 1-1 session
Do you tense your muscles? Have racing thoughts? Negative thoughts, fear and anxiety? Or do you feel the stress in your belly? Get headaches and tummy aches? Where in your body are you feeling the tension? Book a 1-1 Session for Quantum Touch Energy Healing and get to the cause of the issues, fast!
I teach live Zoom classes in Quantum Touch Energy Healing, Instant Zen! For a self guided E course, choose "The Stressbusters Solution" or for free meditations and videos, join The Healing Hub.
No matter what your budget is, if you want to heal, I will help you get the resources you need.
BOOKS by denise willinger
All titles are available as Kindle Ebooks, or paperbacks on Amazon.com!
"Is Your Job a Pain in the Neck? How to Relieve your Neck and Shoulder Pain in Three Simple Steps!"
"The Happiness Code-Small Habits, Beautiful Life"
Coming soon: "Instant Zen-The Quick and Easy Meditation Technique for Overcoming Overwhelm!"
Coming Soon: "The Essentials of Self Healing-Secrets from the Worlds Best Energy Healers"
AO MOBILE SCAN is a new technology that will take your Self Healing and Energy healing business to a whole new level!
What if there was a device that you could put in your hands - to use at home -that would give you a 29 page readout of exactly what was going on your body?
What if this same device could then send frequency healing, and bring balance and restoration to the deficiencies and disorder in your body too? Check out the demo and see how you can have a healing energy treatment today!
Check out our Videos!
Here's where you can see playlists of our Facebook Live, Zoom or shared video content! You'll find Interviews with Jennifer Taylor-CEO of Quantum Touch, Inc. Quantum Touch Instructors, Energy Healers and more!
There's a playlist of Meditations, another with Solex and AO Scanner trainings, some Q and A's and some personal videos from me-where I share more about what Energy healing is and what I do!